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How To Manage Conflict On Your Team Using Cloverleaf
How To Manage Conflict On Your Team Using Cloverleaf

Five ways to help you more effectively navigate challenging conversations with your teammates.

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Updated over 6 months ago

As long as there are people, there will be conflict. It is an unfortunate truth, and dealing with conflict is rarely at the top of a manager’s “want to do” list.

Many are thinking “Maybe it will go away if I don’t give it airtime,” or “I wish he/she/they would just get over it and do the job.” But ignoring the problem won’t solve it. Maybe you’ve tried and the problem only got worse.

Results from one study on conflict in the US and eight other countries around the world revealed that 85% of employees experience conflict on the job (CPP Global, 2008).

On average in the US, this results in about 2.8 hours per week, one day per month, or 2 ½ weeks per year wasted because of ineffectively managed conflict.

A manager experiences the same loss in productivity but has added pressure – expectations to fix it!

Most employees expect managers, not HR, to mediate conflict. In the CPP Global study, 81% of employees saw conflict eventually lead to a positive outcome. Are you getting those kinds of results? You can!

The key in conflict management is depersonalizing the problem.

Focus on the dispute itself, not on the people (Earl & Joy, 2011). And, how can you best maintain objectivity when addressing the dispute?

By understanding your employees and how they best receive feedback and process communication.

Good communication within your organization also fosters better relationships among employees and greater employee engagement (Lockwood, 2007).

Enter, Cloverleaf!

Cloverleaf enables you to see straight into the number one cause of conflict between personalities — differences in personal preferences.

The information provided by the various psychometric instruments on the Cloverleaf platform is presented in practical, useful language so you can effectively manage both individuals and groups.

What’s even better is that this information is available to your employees as well. This is important because the greatest successes will be achieved when everyone takes responsibility for resolving the conflicts in which they find themselves, not just you.

Still, as the manager, you are the one who leads and facilitates how the team will operate, and Cloverleaf can be an incredible resource.

Surveys over the years estimate 10%-26% of a manager’s time is spent dealing with conflict, and over half of all employees believe it is the manager’s responsibility to identify and address underlying tensions

BEFORE things go wrong, so the time you spend on Cloverleaf will not only enable you to anticipate conflicts, it will give you insights needed to resolve them and save you and your employees significant time and negative emotions.

5 Ways To Use Cloverleaf To Manage Conflict With Team Members

1. Use Cloverleaf Visualizations

Four different “maps” are packed with team information:

1. Personality

2. Roles

3. Relationships

4. Strengths

Each of these provide insights into the personality, drivers, values, motivators and work styles of each of your team members.

You, and all your employees, can dig into the profile of any team member to learn about that person. By learning about the person, you learn what works vs. what impedes, what motivates vs. what triggers, how to best communicate and listen, and who you might turn to for particular challenges.

If there is a conflict specifically between two team members, take a look at the Relationships map and pair these employees in the drop-down menu. This will show a direct comparison of those individuals and what motivates them – their values, objectives and triggers.

2. Understand Someone’s Conflict Triggers

An individual’s Conflict Triggers can be found in their profile.

3. Dive Into Roles & Strengths

Stress is the second biggest cause of conflict. The Roles and Strengths maps identify the conditions under which each individual thrives.

Deprive someone of the opportunity to function in their strengths and they will likely become stressed, as well as less than fully productive. To read more on how to better define roles that play to your team members’ strengths click here.

4. Understand Each Other Before Mediation

If mediation is required, consider requiring team members involved to delve into Cloverleaf before talking together. This would be a valuable first step in making sure both parties understand the other in an objective non-confrontational setting.

5. Have More One-On-Ones

Studies show that the single most critical activity by a manager to effectively deal with conflict is “conversation”: 42% of employees say more informal one-on-one conversations are needed. Launching into these discussions with insights from Cloverleaf will ensure they are affirming and supportive exchanges.

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