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April 2024: Cloverleaf Ice Breakers & Activities
April 2024: Cloverleaf Ice Breakers & Activities

Learn how to encourage action from Cloverleaf Automated Coaching™ to enhance team development

Evan Doyle avatar
Written by Evan Doyle
Updated yesterday

Team Meetings

Insights in Action: (5-10 minute discussion depending on team size)

Purpose: Encouraging ACTION from Cloverleaf Automated Coaching to enhance team development.

  1. Meet with your team and let them know that for the next four weeks (you can adjust this), you’d like them to commit to consuming their coaching tips as often as possible. This can be via email or the daily coaching/reflections feature. It’s important they consume their and their team members' tips as well.

  2. Each week, challenge each team member to take and track at least ONE tangible action in response to the tip. This can be anything from choosing to reach out to a person whom you get a tip about to leverage a strength to adjusting a presentation.

  3. Ask the team members to bring that tangible action to team meetings each week, or if you don’t have a weekly team meeting, bring it to a one-on-one meeting with your leader.

Moments That Matter: (5-7 minutes, depending on team size)

Purpose: To increase INTENTIONALITY of how someone shows up on a team, to help a new team develop.

  1. This is a less formal version of the activity where you start a meeting by asking people to share a “Cloverleaf moment” that matters. This can be a reflection on a tip they got or something new they learned about a team member by consuming a tip about someone else.

  2. This can be used to open up or close a team meeting

  3. This is especially helpful for new teams or leaders that are replacing an exiting leader.

IMPORTANT: In both of the above activities, it’s critical for the leader to model the behavior and equally share

Cloverleaf Hotseat (5-7 Minutes per round)

Purpose: To create opportunities for informal recognition for moments and interactions that might otherwise not be brought to light.

  1. Ask who wants to be in the “hotseat”

  2. Go to that person’s profile.

  3. Allow them to pick a category of insights (try to avoid conflict triggers)

  4. Land on an insight in that category (you might have to scroll a bit) and read it aloud

  5. Ask the person in the hotseat how this tip resonates with them and to give a recent example of that tip in action.

  6. Then open the conversation up to the team and ask them to share how the person in the hot seat has reflected that tip in action recently

  7. You can do more rounds, but this works great to open or close a meeting and creates informal recognition exercises

Conflict Mediation

Thinking Styles for Conflict Mediation

Purpose: To use a creative approach to conflict mediation between two team members. This is more about leveraging Cloverleaf to give structure to resolving conflict.

  1. This activity assumes you are trying to mediate conflict between two or more people on your team.

  2. Set a time for a meeting with the appropriate individuals in one meeting (i.e. you are meeting with everyone together.

  3. Assign each person to spend at least 15 minutes PRIOR to the meeting reviewing the other person’s profile and coaching insights and bringing ONE insight about the other person to the meeting.

  4. To open the meeting, ask each person to share one thing they learned from viewing the other person’s profile.

  5. Then utilize the thinking styles comparison on the team dashboard and compare the two people, using whichever assessment(s) you prefer. (or if it’s more than one person, create the necessary pairs to compare each person to everyone else).

  6. Ask each person

    1. “Given what you notice about your different (or similar!) thinking styles, what would you have done differently in the situation at hand?”

    2. “What do you understand NEWLY about the other person?”

    3. “Given what you understand about each other, what can you do differently going forward with the other person (or persons)?”


Small Group Assessment Specific Breakouts (45 min - 1 hour)

If you have an elongated period to work with a team, consider leveraging team data to create mixed breakout groups based on certain assessment results. You can use these groups for brainstorming ideas, solving problems, or discussing topics. The purpose of this exercise is to solve real business challenges while leveraging diverse thinking styles and personalities.

Below is an example of this using ENNEAGRAM. Another great assessment to use this with is DISC.

  • Before the session, identify at least THREE CURRENT challenges the team faces that they would like to create a NEW best practice around and design-related discussion questions. You can crowd-source these prior to using this exercise.


    • Topic 1: Accountability: How do we hold each other accountable to our clients? How do we meet client-driven deliverables with the same tenacity as our internal metrics/accountabilities?

    • Topic 2: Communication: How do we understand the needs of the market and clients? Do we make space to ensure multiple voices and perspectives are heard and considered to ensure client satisfaction?

    • Topic 3: Conflict: How do we effectively handle difficult conversations and disagreements?

  • Before conducting the breakouts, designate small "mixed" groups of approximately four individuals.

    • ENNEAGRAM: As much as possible, try to evenly distribute the triads into groups so there is representation from Head, Heart, and Gut.

    • DISC: If using DISC, try to put a high D, I, S, and C in each group and distribute as evenly as possible.

  • Announce the groups and assign each group a topic (it’s okay if you have several groups and the topics are repeated and given to more than one group).

  • Each small group will then go to work brainstorming solutions to the challenge in the form of a best practice.

    • Task: Brainstorm ONE best practice to help advance each challenge toward a solution. One person from each group should be prepared to share and pitch your idea in 2 minutes or less. Give each group 20 minutes to discuss.

  • Invite a representative from each group to pitch their idea

  • Facilitate a larger group discussion about the viability of each practice.

    • Where a practice resonates, support the team in creating a tangible short-term goal that can help establish the best practice amongst the team.

    • What are the next steps to forwarding the best practice people most resonate with? Who wants to support the next steps?

    • How and when will we follow up on progress?

    • What did you notice about the different approaches people took in the conversation?

    • What did you appreciate about a person’s approach that was different from your own?

DISC Sales Exercise (60-90 minutes depending on group size)

This works in groups of 20+ where you have several groups of 4-6 people. You also need at least 3 people of each DISC style with a dominant score (I.e., at least 3 D, I, S, C as their highest score). The purpose of this activity is to consider how to approach getting buy-in from a different DISC style and to customize communication to that specific style.

  1. Present a BRIEF overview of DISC and the different styles.

  2. For DISC resources, CLICK HERE

    1. Facilitator TIP: You do NOT need to be a DISC expert here! You can share information about each type and then ask those who have that type to share what resonates with them. Let each style speak for itself through participant observation.

    2. Remind each person to listen to different styles because they will be using that knowledge in the activity.

  3. Now, you are going to separate the group into all the HIGH Ds, Is, Ss, and Cs (it’s okay if an ID and an IS are both in the high I group). You should have FOUR groups.

  4. Assign each group to invent a new cutting-edge product that will help people work or communicate better. There are no boundaries here, just have fun with it!

  5. Each group will then create a company name and a sales pitch to sell their opposite style. The pitch should ideally be 5-7 minutes and should factor in the DISC style of the audience

    1. Ds sell to Ss

    2. Ss sell to Ds

    3. Is sell to Cs

    4. Cs sell to Is

  6. After each pitch, the group being “sold” should share what worked and what didn’t for them. What would they have wanted more or less of?

  7. Facilitate a large group wrap-up about customizing communication and how Cloverleaf OVERALL can help with this. Demonstrate Daily Coaching and Insights Search for this from My Dashboard!

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