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Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist

Let's dive deeper into Type 6 on the Enneagram, the Loyalist!

Taylor Nash avatar
Written by Taylor Nash
Updated over a week ago

When you discuss Enneagram types at work, you open up the possibility for empathy, compassion, and understanding. A team that works well together performs better, improves communication, and enjoys more purpose-filled work.

Type 6: The Loyalist

Motivated by the need to find or create security. Is warm, playful, open, loyal, supportive, honest, fair, and reliable in relationships. Is a cooperative and reliable team player willing to do whatever it takes to support loved ones. Knows how to combine holding on to sound traditions with the readiness to take new paths. Always on the lookout for any danger that may be lurking around the corner. Longs for certainty and often looks to a book, leader, or institution with reliable answers.

They value preparedness and are dependable individuals you can trust with important decisions. This type is most motivated by stability and fear lacking direction. Sixes possess excellent problem-solving skills and thrive on helping to create solutions. They are adept at identifying potential problems and researching viable solutions.

Sixes are warm, playful, open, loyal, supportive, honest, fair, and reliable. They are cooperative individuals willing to do what it takes to support the team. Sixes value experience and data when considering new solutions or next steps. When deciding, a Six will often look to a book, leader, or institution for reliable answers.


  • 5: The Sage: The Five wing can influence a Six to become more introverted, cautious, and self-controlled. This greater need for time alone makes it possible to recharge and pour energy into hobbies and personal passions. On the downside, it can cause Sixes to become standoffish with others, and get stuck over-analyzing things in isolation.

  • 7: The Enthusiast: The Seven wing can influence a Six to become more extroverted, animated, and social and can create a hunger for adventure and an appetite for risk - in small doses. On the downside, it can cause Sixes to become materialistic and impulsive - acting in the moment only to wrestle with anxiety in the aftermath.


  • 9: The Peacemaker: Becomes more flexible, empathetic, and open-minded - able to see things from multiple perspectives by moving toward the positive qualities of Nines. Is able to be more trusting, energetic, and lighthearted - taking life less seriously and believing that the future is bright. When Sixes feel secure, they can reframe unnerving thoughts, accept others, and lower their suspicions.


  • 6: The Achiever: Can become preoccupied with work and projecting an image of competency by moving toward the negative qualities of Threes. This can sometimes lead to workaholism. Often will pursue ever-increasing material success in order to mask feelings of insecurity. Stress can cause Sixes to discredit their feelings or drive them toward workaholic tendencies.

Communication Style

Inquisitive, witty, logical, and ironic. Sixes prefer to focus on the task at hand and typically are relational in their approach. They appreciate when others value their input and interpret their concern as a desire for the project’s success.

Your work habits and communication strategies depend primarily on fear and internal motivations. When you identify these in yourself and others, you will have better self-awareness and a heightened appreciation for teamwork.

Want to learn more? Check out these articles:
What is the Enneagram?
Head Triad: Types, 5, 6, and 7
My Assessments

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