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Inviting Users to a Group
Inviting Users to a Group

This guide walks through how to invite existing and new teammates to a Group as an Org Admin

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Written by Team
Updated over 12 months ago

As an Organization Admin, you can manage Groups and add users to them accordingly.

Add an Existing User to a Group

Method 1 (best if only adding a couple of people, or you want people to automatically be added without accepting an invite).

  1. Search for the user you are wanting to add to the group in All People in Organization.

  2. Click the arrow to the left of their name to expand the settings for that user.

  3. Using the "Add to..." drop-down menu, search or scroll for the group you want to add them to and click to select.

  4. This will automatically add them to the group, and you should see it appear under their list of Active Groups.

Method 2 (best if adding multiple people from the org at once).

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, select the Group you would like to add the user to.

  2. Click the "Add Person" button above the list of users.

  3. In the members box, use the drop-down to search for the person you want to add. Click on their name from the list, and repeat for anyone else you want to add. They can all be sent from one window.

  4. Select the role (note: if you are adding 10 people and select Member, they will all be members, you can't customize by person when sending a mass invite).

  5. Hit send, and these users will be added to the group as a pending invite.

    Note: Inviting users this way prompts them with an invite via email to accept being added to the group. Once they accept, that pending invite will disappear and they will show as a member of the group.

Add a New User to a Group

Method 1: (sends an invite directly to their inbox from Cloverleaf)

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, select the Group you would like to add the user to.

  2. Click the "Add Person" button above the list of users.

  3. In the members box, type in the email address of the user and click "invite {email}. You should see this populate in the Members box, with the option to remove using the red "X". Repeat for anyone else you want to add.

  4. Select the role (note: if you are inviting 10 people and select member, they will all be members, you can't customize by person when sending a mass invite).

  5. Hit send, you should then see a pending list of their emails in gray at the group level.

    Note: Inviting users this way prompts them with an invite via email to accept being added to the group. Once they have accepted and joined the org, that pending invite will disappear and they will show as a member of the group.

Users will show up on the team in grey font until they accept the invitation. You can revoke an invitation at any time by clicking on their name and clicking revoke.

Method 2: (Best if you want to customize the messaging around your invite)

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, select the Group you would like to add the user to.

  2. Click the "Add Person" button above the list of users.

  3. Using the shareable invite link section, create an organization invite link. Copy and paste this link via chat, or email to your teammate to allow them to sign up.

Note: You will not see a list of pending users if you invite via link, you will only see them show up once they have joined.

CSV Upload

If you have a large group of users (over 50) you want to add, your Customer Success Manager or our Support Team ( can do a bulk upload for you.

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