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Q1 Release Notes (2023)

Check out our release notes for updates on new features and improvements to Cloverleaf.

Taylor Nash avatar
Written by Taylor Nash
Updated over a year ago

To see what we have been up to recently- check out our current release notes!

MARCH 2023:

Updates and Improvements:

  • Introducing the Coaching Network! Now, who you get coaching on does not need to be constrained by your team! Simply navigate to My Coaching Network from the Me Dashboard or your Daily Coaching Email, and you can get coaching on anyone you can view, adding or removing as you see fit to ensure the most relevant coaching experience. Check out this guide for Frequently Asked Questions as it relates to this new feature.

  • Full Page Directory! A new icon on the navigation bar makes it easy to find teammates in your organization.

  • Updated setting communication preferences to a scalable experience that will support (in the future) new channels and (eventually) user-set schedules.

  • Now you can bring Coaching into your Application! Introducing the Cloverleaf Integration Framework – check it out at

  • Cloverleaf now supports a limited, but consistent, localized experience in Spanish and German!

Technical Notes and Bug Fixes:

  • Refined calendar attendee privacy viewing logic to enable viewers to see attendees they ought to be able to see (which were previously filtered in some edge cases)

  • Updates to the Daily Coaching Experience email, including links to the My Coaching Network page and made it easier for some users to invite from the email

  • Cloverleaf will now require email verification in order to utilize the free trial experience

  • Fixed a bug where some nested groups could not use invite links

  • Ensured the Microsoft calendar integration will not show all-day events

  • Fixed a bug where lead exports may not function properly

  • Ongoing (always!) work to ensure the platform is updated and secure with the latest technology!


Updates and Improvements:

  • We added 520 new coaching tips for CliftonStrengths and DISC

  • Released new DISC Team Dashboard content

    • Now, when you click into the module, you will see more insight into how to work together, motivations, and behavioral traits of teammates.

  • Updates to the Trial experience and onboarding:

    • Updated our coaching tip email design

    • Released a change to encourage trial users to invite others, and made updates to the current invite others experience in the trial flow

    • Provided input for intent to better support our users’ experience

    • Improved content to better explain the product experience

    • Made major improvements to the experience of taking first assessments

    • Improved the results experience after taking assessments

    • Improved integration in the trial experience with the non-organization account creation process

  • We added links to the “Find your team” experience when users are looking to create a new team

  • We made it easier for users in the Daily Coaching flow with no assessments to go take their first one!

  • Improved the user experience of the “Joinable Groups” join-group page

  • We added explanatory tooltips to navigation bar icons

  • Made updates to use consistent naming of the “16 Types” assessment

Technical Notes and Bug Fixes:

  • Ensured that only active invitations would display to admins in user lists

  • Fixed an issue that could interfere with candidate avatar display using new (more secure) image delivery

  • Fixed an issue that would prompt candidates with an incorrect call-to-action on certain assessment components

  • Removed Allbound integration (Resource Hub)

  • Upgrades to dependencies to continue to ensure secure performance

  • Fixed an issue with the “Learn More” that could occur when non-organization users finished the Enneagram assessment


Updates and Improvements:

  • We pushed out 500 new coaching tips for you to enjoy (we love new content!)

    • Tips specific to CliftonStrengths and DISC

    • Chipping away at some new tips for Motivating Values!

  • Upgraded our DISC assessment to an improved version that Dr. Dust (our Chief Research Officer) created.

  • Updated Cloverleaf servers to avoid vulnerabilities- yay for security!

  • Performance and other security improvements, including improved load times.

  • We improved some of our UI components on Energy Rhythm and Instinctive Drives assessments to improve our future support for accessibility (a11y).

  • We improved graphics on our DISC team component to help with overlapping results on the same team!

Technical Notes and Bug Fixes:

  • We fixed profile-sharing issues (component rebuild)

  • We fixed an issue where a coaching tip for a hidden team was displayed on non-hidden teams.

  • Issues where the profile comparison tool was resetting incorrectly was fixed.

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