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July 2023: Using Cloverleaf for Individual & Team Goal Setting
July 2023: Using Cloverleaf for Individual & Team Goal Setting

Setting goals can be overwhelming! Cloverleaf’s dashboards helps individuals & teams to set goals leveraging personalized coaching insights.

Evan Doyle avatar
Written by Evan Doyle
Updated yesterday

Webinar Outline:

Scenario 1: Individual Professional Development Goals

Individuals at every level have strengths and opportunities for growth. There are several reasons why a person might set individual professional development goals:

  1. Career Development

  2. Career Advancement

  3. To Improve Role Fit

  4. To Improve Team Cohesion

Leveraging Cloverleaf’s Development Coaching Tips can help spark more intentional professional development goals that answer the questions:

  1. How can I improve the way I communicate with others?

  2. What small shifts can I make to collaborate with others better?

  3. How can I learn more about myself from my work experiences?

  4. What can I focus on to develop my ability to lead others?

  5. How can I be more productive and improve work outcomes?

  6. What strengths am I NOT fully using that I want to lean into?

For the Goal Setter:

  1. Browse through your Development tips and consider the questions above. What coaching tips resonated with you and can help you formulate a professional development goal? (come up with 2-3 possible options)

  2. What support do I need from my leader or additional resources and opportunities to fulfill this goal?

  3. If I achieve this goal, what is possible?

For the Leader of the Goal Setter:

  1. This is a great short exercise to give a team member who is seeking growth, career advancement, or as a commitment to each team member having an active professional development goal that they are working on.

  2. Listen to those seeking development, give the individual time to work through this exercise, and come ready to discuss 2-3 professional development goal options in their next 1-1 meeting.

  3. Leave the 1-1 meeting with tangible ways to track progress.

Scenario 2: Individual Goals that Contribute to Team Effectiveness

This is a twist on the above exercise. Leaders may want to leverage this application of goal setting when:

  1. A team is newly formed, or several new people have joined an existing team

  2. The leader is new and is trying to get to know the strengths of their team members

  3. A team has been given a particularly complex project or initiative that requires more team cohesion in a certain area

How it works:

  1. Identify a challenging area for the team - motivation, communication, change, or even conflict triggers. These areas are all categories of coaching tips on the ME Dashboard.

  2. Ask each team member to take 10-15 minutes to browse through their own coaching insights in that category and identify a tip that speaks to a strength they can share with the team that will help the team work towards overcoming the current team challenge.

  3. Conduct a 90-120 minute team meeting where each team member

    1. Shares the tip

    2. Shares a tangible action showing this strength in action that could contribute to the team.

  4. After each person shares, the leader may consider asking:

    1. After hearing everyone’s sharing, what is one best practice we could take on to help us improve on __________ (current challenge)?

  5. The team should leave the meeting with a plan in place to execute the best practice and take on any individual tasks or goals related to their personal sharing.

Scenario 3: Using Cloverleaf as a SUPPORT to an already stated goal:

Cloverleaf’s ME and TEAM Dashboard can help bring more intentionality to already stated goals, whether for individual or team goals. Individuals or teams can use these questions in a brainstorming session to enhance or accelerate working towards an already stated goal.

Whether enhancing an individual or team goal, a leader may want to ask an individual or the team to use the coaching insights on the ME dashboard to prepare for a 1-1 or team meeting.

  1. What do you notice from your insights that can help you accomplish your/our goal?

  2. What do the insights reveal that could get in your/our way of the goal?

  3. What action steps can you/we take to counteract anything that could get in your way?

  4. What strengths are you reminded of that can accelerate the accomplishment of your/our goal?

  5. What new ways of thinking or learning can help you/us achieve your/our goal?

Assessment-specific goal support (Example using Enneagram)

These short conversation starters can be used or tacked onto 1-1 or team goal-setting conversations leveraging specific assessments. They can be conducted in real-time or in preparation for a 1-1 or team meeting. In all cases, conversations should round out with tangible next steps or best practices documentation.


  1. How does your Enneagram type support or challenge you in accomplishing your goal?

  2. What blind spot of your triad could prevent you from achieving this goal?

  3. What strength of your triad would help you achieve this goal?

  4. What will you do if you start to operate from your Enneagram “stress” when working towards your goal?

  5. What other people on the team in a different triad would be a great sounding board for you as you seek to achieve this goal, and why?


  1. How does the triad with the largest majority of team members help support our goal?

  2. What specific Enneagram types might be helpful to take on certain aspects of our goal?

  3. What blindspots of the triad with the largest majority of team members in it can create an obstacle in achieving our goal?

  4. What strength of which triad do we need to lean into to help us achieve our goal?

Assessment-specific goal support (Example using DISC)


  1. How can I leverage my strongest DISC score to accomplish my goal?

  2. What challenges or gaps does my lowest DISC score present in regard to accomplishing my goal?

  3. What individuals on my team might complement my strengths to support me in achieving my goal?


  1. How can we leverage our strongest DISC score to accomplish our goal?

  2. What challenges or gaps does our lowest DISC score present in regard to accomplishing this goal?

  3. What individuals on your team should we lean into for what, given their DISC strengths, as we seek to achieve this goal?

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