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Using Cloverleaf For Individual Coaching

Learn how to leverage the use of Cloverleaf in your business AND your practice using creative strategies to maximize the platform.

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Updated over 6 months ago

Positioning Initial Assessments & Debrief

With New Clients or New Hires

  • A. Ask your client to complete assessments prior to your first session or conversation.

  • B. If you are using Cloverleaf within an organization, or you are coaching leaders who are using Cloverleaf in their organization, Cloverleaf assessments are great to incorporate into a new hire onboarding process.

With Existing Clients or Employees

  • A. Consider giving a deadline by when to have all of the assessments completed.

  • B. Ask the individual to review their insights prior to the debrief and bring any questions they have to the session or conversation.

Previewing Initial Assessments Results: Preparing for Coaching or Debriefing Results

Prior to an initial conversation with an individual, review both individual and team dashboards if applicable. - Download and review full reports if applicable.

Review insights

Remember to self-coach to avoid “bias” For example, avoid making assumptions based on incorrect stereotypes. “I see this person is an introvert, I bet I’ll never get them to open up.” It’s a common misconception that introverts are shy or quiet, when in fact it’s just about where they draw their energy from. They need ample time to reflect alone to recharge whereas extroverts are energized from being with people.

Given what you know about the person (or in some cases what you don’t know!), Start to design several powerful coaching questions that can help people more deeply understand their results.

Here are a few generic ones. You should customize them as much as possible.

  • What about your results were you most surprised about?

  • What about your results were you least surprised about?

  • Given what you’ve reviewed in your Cloverleaf assessment results, what’s the most important thing you could start doing differently that could make a difference for you professionally?

  • (if applicable) What most surprised you about the team dashboard?

    • A. What do you perceive to be a strength within your team given these insights?

    • B. What gaps does the team dashboard highlight that you think are important for the team to address?

Designing Role-Specific Powerful Coaching Questions Using Insights

Prior to a coaching conversation or 1:1 meeting, spend 10-15 minutes to review the coachee or team member’s insights on the upper left hand corner of their individual dashboard, and design questions that are targeted to the individual’s leadership role.

Use these questions in the following ways

1. Send some of these questions via email prior to a conversation or coaching session. Explain that they pertain to their Cloverleaf insights on their profile which they can find in the upper left hand corner of their personal dashboard and ask them to complete them prior to your conversation.

  • A. You can also opt to have them send you back an email with their answers.

  • B. In the conversation you can ask follow up and clarifying questions to expand on their answers.

2. Have the questions ready to use within a coaching conversation

  • A. Consider asking a question about a work style and then ask someone to “say more about that” or use other clarifying questions to show you are actively listening.

  • B. For the purpose of the questions provided, you’ll see the questions ask for identification of a work style and why that answer was given. In the context of a more organic coaching conversation, use the former approach to leverage active listening.

*Bring up the person’s profile and share your screen (if virtual) so they can view the insights along with your questions.

Role Specific Questions

These questions were derived specifically by looking at the insights on an individual’s profile.

For Executives & Senior Leaders

Work Style

- Which work style supports you most in leading your organization and why?
- Which work style creates obstacles to the success of your organization and why?

Communication Style

- Which communication style insight has produced the most success within your organization? Share an example of this.

- Which communication style insight is one you could leverage right now to handle a current situation or challenge? Share why and how.


- How do your insights on your relationship to change support you in creating organizational health?

- How do they hinder you?


- Review your development insights. Share a development action you can take that would most benefit your organization right now.

- What development practices could you create from these insights that would evolve your leadership to the next level?

For Middle Managers

Work Style

- Which work style supports your team’s success the most and why?
- Which work style, if any, creates obstacles to your team’s success and how? - Which work style could you leverage more to motivate your team?

Communication Style

- Give an example of how one of your communication styles was successful with a team member.
- Think of all of the people on your team and consider all of your communication style insights. Which team member

struggles the most with how you communicate and why?
- How would you like to be communicating with your team that isn’t currently reflected in these insights?

Conflict Triggers

- Review your conflict trigger insights and reflect on your current team. Which insight have you had to leverage in the past and why?

- Which insight will you most need to strengthen for your team’s future success?


- Review your development insights. Share a development action you can take that would most benefit your team right now.

- What development practices could you create from these insights that would evolve your leadership to the next level?

For New Managers

Work Style

- Now that you are a manager, which of your work style insights will be most effective in leading others? - Which work style, if any, has caused any challenges or obstacles to leading effectively and why?

Communication Style

- Which insight has helped you the most to communicate effectively and why?
- Give an example of how one of your insights led to a productive conversation with a team member.


- On a scale of 1-5 (1 being not present at all and 5 being very present), rate how each of your motivational insights are present in your new leadership position and share the reason for each rating using examples.


- Which insight could you leverage the most to support change in the future and why?

Cloverleaf & Goal Setting

Using Cloverleaf as a SUPPORT to an already stated goal:

- Ask the individual to look at the insights in the upper left hand corner on their Cloverleaf dashboard.

Questions to consider

1. What do you notice from your insights that can help you accomplish your goal?

2. What do the insights reveal that could get in your way of the goal?

3. What action steps can you take to counteract anything that could get in your way?

- Assessment specific goal support (Example using Enneagram)

1. How does your Enneagram type support or challenge you in accomplishing your goal?

2. How does operating from your “stress” in Enneagram impact your goal?

Using Cloverleaf to help determine what goal(s) should be set

These are “goal discovery” questions that help people do their best thinking. They ultimately will help you support someone in designing a goal that has a tangible impact.

The Cloverleaf dashboard can be used to design powerful goals around behavior change, communication, performance, productivity, collaboration, leadership development and more.

Here are some questions to consider:

Looking at your insights in the top left hand corner of your individual dashboard, where do you see the biggest opportunity for growth?

Specific assessment examples:

1. Looking at your _____________ assessment, what do you see are your strengths and opportunities for growth?

2. Looking at _____________ assessment, what is ONE thing you could start doing today to improve on any opportunities for growth?

PRO TIP: Have the person state or design the goal FIRST in the conversation, THEN go and look at their personal dashboard together to use some of the questions in the section marked “Using Cloverleaf as a support to an already stated goal.”

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