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Head Triad: Types 5, 6, and 7

This article gives an overview of the Head Triad: Types Five, Six, and Seven!

Taylor Nash avatar
Written by Taylor Nash
Updated over a week ago

There are nine personality types within the Enneagram, each with its unique set of characteristics and specific motivating drivers. By understanding these different characteristics, team members can learn how to work more effectively with one another. In this article, we are specifically looking at the Head Triad (5, 6, 7).


Head Triad Overview

Triads describe your go-to emotion. Your Enneagram type determines which of the Triads you belong to. The Head Triad (thinking) consists of 5s, 6s, and 7s. These teammates primarily make decisions by analyzing all pieces of information before moving forward. They are intentional to confirm information is trustworthy and that it won't come back to bite them later. These teammates want to understand all that there is to know about a topic, staying up to date on current findings, and discovering new ways of approaching problems. Because this triad may have over-active mental activity thinking about what's to come, starting a meeting with a deep breathing meditation activity to clear the mind can bring everyone into the present moment, fully engaged in the task at hand.


When making decisions, the 5s, 6s, and 7s of the Head Triad move forward confidently, creating strategies based on analyzed information. These teammates are informed and prepared. Their main strengths are not only in obtaining information, but also in how strategically that information is used. These teammates want something solid to believe in which could be information, people, or a project that they think will be safe in pursuing. When they believe in something, they become passionate in making sure they understand it and have explored every aspect of it.


At the core, 5s, 6s, and 7s seek to mitigate risk and ensure security. However, it's important to remember not all risk can be removed from life. These teammates may be hesitant in acting on a project, trying to understand every piece of the project before moving forward. They may tend to spend too much time in the brainstorming process or in assessing information. This can be managed by continuing to move towards completing goals and not stall out seeking the BEST idea. These teammates can trust in their ability to use the information wisely and don't need to be afraid of taking planful risks sometimes.

Go To Emotion: Fear

Fives internalize fear, meaning, they fear the world around them and their ability to cope. They feel that with true understanding, they can beat their fears. Sixes externalize their fear, so they tend to fear both the external world and their internal world. They will rely on anything that can reassure them of their own thoughts. Sevens deny their fear and try to forget it, they fear their own inner world and feeling painful emotions, so they try to distract themselves from these fears and emotions. Despite their differences, each of these types experiences fear and use their head to decide how to act.

Teammates of 5s, 6s, 7s:

If you're not 5, 6, or 7, make sure to prepare data and facts for these teammates. Receive their questions and analysis as interest and not aggression or second-guessing your work. Set limits on the amount of time allowed for stages of a project so there is still time to process information and evaluate options, but it doesn't keep the team from moving towards a finish line. If you're in the Heart Triad, encourage these teammates to believe in themselves and how they use the information they have collected. If you're in the Gut Triad, encourage these teammates to make decisions, sharing the importance of taking calculated risks.

Using Triads exposes patterns of emotions and decision-making, which can lead to greater self-awareness. Check out your team's Enneagram Triads on your Team Dashboard!

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