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Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Let's dive deeper into Type 3 on the Enneagram, the Achiever!

Taylor Nash avatar
Written by Taylor Nash
Updated over a week ago

When you discuss Enneagram types at work, you open up the possibility for empathy, compassion, and understanding. A team that works well together performs better, improves communication, and enjoys more purpose-filled work.

Type 3: The Achiever

Motivated by the need to be productive, achieve success, and avoid failure. Is playful, giving, responsible, and well-regarded by others in the community. Hardworking, goal-oriented, organized, and decisive. Often radiates an ease and assurance that inspires confidence in others. Has an easy time getting jobs done efficiently and competently, aiming for and achieving personal goals, as well as inspiring and motivating other people and making it possible for them to get ahead too. Has a “sixth sense” for sizing up tasks and for understanding the dynamics of work groups.

These individuals tend to be ambitious, highly productive, and appear as the symbol of success in the workplace. Threes value appreciation and recognition. Hard work, goal-oriented, organization, and decisiveness are trademarks of this type. They are motivated by admiration and are fearful of lacking value to others.

In pursuit of success, Enneagram Threes may railroad others in the workplace, become workaholics, and struggle with accountability. Threes are energized by being productive, achieving success, and avoiding failure. They can be playful, giving, responsible, and well-regarded by others in the community.

Threes can complete work efficiently and competently to ensure they reach personal goals. A Three has a keen ability to size up tasks and understand the dynamics of work groups. They can also be inspiring and motivate other people to excel.


  • 2: The Helper: The Two wing fosters a motivation to pour energy into helping other people be successful. On the downside, an overactive need to be recognized as exceptional can kick in if feeling unappreciated or taken for granted.

  • 4: The Originalist: The Four wing creates a deep sense of inner-conflict as the Three's natural ability to adapt to whatever the situation demands comes up against the Four’s value for authenticity at all costs. The result: increased introspection and getting in touch with the emotional side. On the downside, it can result in a compulsion to show off or brag.


  • 6: The Loyalist: Becomes warmer, and more in touch with feelings and the feelings of others by moving toward the positive qualities of Sixes. It’s no longer about personal achievement and instead about what’s best for the group. Able to express vulnerability, and expend more energy caring for friends and family. When Threes feel secure, they are more committed and loyal. They find it easier to identify their emotions and connect with others.


  • 9: The Peacemaker: Can become apathetic and disengaged by moving toward the negative qualities of Nines. Often loses motivation, gets lost in busy work, and trades signature optimism for pessimism and negativity. Can take on a posture of retreat and checking out. Stress can cause Threes to lose focus and be preoccupied with busy work.

Communication Style

Straightforward, efficient, focused, and confident. They prepare for meetings to ensure they are clear and goal-focused. It is important to them for others to reciprocate respect and value while communicating.

Your work habits and communication strategies depend primarily on fear and internal motivations. When you identify these in yourself and others, you will have better self-awareness and a heightened appreciation for teamwork.

For more help with Cloverleaf, check out these articles:
What is the Enneagram?
My Assessments
Heart Triad: Types 2, 3, and 4

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