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How To Create A Jumpstart Program With Cloverleaf
How To Create A Jumpstart Program With Cloverleaf

Strategies to leverage Cloverleaf that can work hand-in-hand to help develop your 1-1 coaching business.

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Written by Team
Updated over 2 years ago

Many of you may self-identify as coaches, and others may be considered more consultants who use coaching.

No matter how you define yourself, if you are a consultant or a coach working with teams, Cloverleaf can act as a powerful discovery tool with new clients and as a generator of new energy to fuel strategic initiatives with existing teams.

Cloverleaf is as powerful as you are willing to let it be. Its dynamic team dashboard is a literal goldmine of conversations and insights to help teams communicate and perform at optimal levels.

In a previous article (How To Create A "Low-Hanging Fruit" Starter Package), we shared how to create a smaller 1-1 coaching package using the debrief of several assessments.

While 1-1 coaching packages may be marked by sessions, I like to use months to mark lower hanging fruit team coaching packages. This is why we suggest using a Cloverleaf 90-Day Team Jumpstart Program.

These packages are perfect gateways to designing more long-term client/team engagements.

Below you will also find a potential schematic, but as always, personalize these to your brand, look and feel. The best ideas are ones that are sparked and then infused with our own signature style.


  • You have a potential organizational client that is on the fence about committing to a longer term contract.

  • A potential client has a limited budget that is not sufficient at this time for a longer term engagement.

  • You have an existing or former client that needs a burst of new energy and content to either revive or keep alive a forward moving engagement.

Your goal here is first and foremost to build and or sustain client relationships built on trust. Don’t force a package where it doesn’t make sense. Instead, find the connections between Cloverleaf insights and the team’s needs.

If a team is underperforming: Cloverleaf team insights will illuminate gaps in communication and performance that can be strategically filled by facilitating team coaching sessions.

If a team is struggling with being virtual: Cloverleaf team insights can help connect individuals and a team together at the human level to create more empathy, understanding and connectedness within the team.

If a team is new: Cloverleaf team insights can help new teams start to create cohesion based on good data rather than just trial by fire. Getting to know each team member can inform team decisions and accelerate the growth of team trust.

If a team is stuck in a rut: Cloverleaf team insights will bring new energy to stagnant teams by uncovering conversations and topics that may be being swept under the rug. Teams can gain momentum but having more honest and direct communications fueled by the team dashboard.

In your marketing verbiage, it’s important to stress that the coaching package includes over $200 worth of assessments per person. Price this package accordingly with your other existing packages or pricing to stay consistent. (You may want to back into the rate based on the frequency of how often you will meet/touchpoint with a team over the 90 days.)

While you may usually have clients set the agenda for coaching sessions, this package is designed to be a little more prescriptive, in that it focuses on the assessment debriefs.

Below you'll find how to weave coaching technique into the process. The following is based on 90 days with (2) 90 or 120 minute sessions per month based on the size of the team and if you are live or virtual.

Of course if you have the option to do a longer half day workshop for each meeting, expand as time and budgeting allow.



Request that the team complete all assessments within 72 hours of a live or virtual kickoff session. Be sure in any pre-engagement conversations to ask senior leaders or stakeholders to share their intention or desired outcome from the engagement and the assessments.

We recommend that you first orient each team member around deeply understanding their OWN results before adding them to a team dashboard. For this reason, consider adding them to a GROUP first.

You can also use the “only visible to admins” setting at the team configuration so you can see them on a team but it isn’t visible to them or others on the team.

Prior to session 1, go in and review each team member’s individual assessments results and design several questions that speak to their desired outcome. For example, if their desired outcome or goal was around team productivity: NOTE: you can provide these questions prior to session one, or use them in the moment.

  • How have you leveraged being an “Introvert (or other behavioral profile)” to be a productive team member in the past? Share an example.

  • How does your DiSC type contribute to the productivity of the team and why?

  • Given your enneagram type, where do you struggle most on this team and why?

  • Given ALL of your results what is one goal you would set for yourself to help increase your team’s productivity?

Request that each team member take the same time to go over their results for the

appropriate assessment prior to each session. You may want to send them background on each assessment, which I’ve linked below in the session schematic.


For all sessions, use powerful questions to connect the assessment to their desired outcome or focus. For the purpose of this example, continue to use the example of a team looking to boost productivity. You may want to send these powerful questions to the client before a session if they learn best by having time to process.

Session 1: Individual Results Debrief Kickoff Session

  • This can be a 90-120 minute live or virtual session. Leverage some of the questions I mentioned above in the preparation, especially the goal setting question. You may want to provide the above questions prior to session one.

  • Have each person share how their results could inform an individual goal they could set to impact the team’s productivity. You can coach them through the goal setting as part of this meeting, or ask them to set the goal beforehand.

  • Instruct the team that prior to the next session, you will be adding them to a “team.” For the next session, ask them to take at least 1 hour to explore the team dashboard and jot down any insights. Ask them to also focus on the 16 types team map. Here are some sample

  • What did you learn about yourself and your role on this team through the team dashboard?

    • What is one insight you took away from the team dashboard that could help you communicate better with your team to enhance productivity?

    • What did you learn by examining your team’s 16 Types map?

Session 2: Debrief 16 Types

  • What most resonates with you about your team’s results?

  • How does your team map support productivity and where can it slow productivity? (i.e. Are there a lot of E’s who talk over each other in meetings preventing decisions from being made?)

  • What are you noticing about your team results and the desired outcome your team stated?

  • What tangible action can the team take from these insights going forward? Be sure to document and create a structure for accountability.

  • Ask the team to focus on going over the team DiSC map for the next session.

Session 3: Debrief DISC

  • How has your current DiSC team map helped your team be productive in the past successfully? How has it hindered your team?

  • What is the most important insight from this assessment that can influence your team’s desired outcome?

  • What did you learn newly about any team member from the DiSC team map that can help boost team productivity?

  • What tangible action can the team take from these insights going forward? Be sure to document and create a structure for accountability.

  • Ask the team to focus on going over the team Enneagram map for the next session.

Session 4: Debrief Enneagram

  • How does your Enneagram type contribute to the team’s productivity?

  • What type does the team need more of or less of?

  • Read about your stress, growth and triad here. Give examples of experiences within your team where these aspects of your personality were most reflected and share how it impacts team productivity.

  • What tangible action can the team take from these insights going forward? Be sure to

    document and create a structure for accountability.

  • For the next session, ask team members to go to each other’s profiles and review the insights of their team members in the upper left hand corner of each profile.

  • Let people know up front that next week you will be sharing insights with the group from each profile. (You can explain session 5 if you’d like too.)

Session 5: Cloverleaf “Hotseat”

This is an exercise I designed and use often that works really well with a team! By now you have built trust with the team. They understand a little more about themselves and each other. Here is how this exercise works:

  • NOTE: If you are virtual, share a screen, if you are live, you may need to project this OR

    have people using laptops.

  • Click on anyone’s profile on the team and bring up their profile.

  • Ask this specific person to choose one of the insight categories from the upper left hand corner of the screen (i.e. leadership, motivation, conflict triggers).

  • Click on that category and bring up the insights. You can stay on the first screen of

    insights or click through to any others.

    • Ask the individual to reflect on those insights.

    • Ask them to share which insights resonate most with them and ask them for examples.

  • THEN ask the team to review the same insights on the screen and share where they’ve experienced that particular insight with that team member, and provide examples.

  • At the close of the session, ask for each person to share a takeaway from this session and any actionable takeaways.

  • Prior to the last session, be sure to send any expectations for future goal setting you might want to have prepared beforehand.

Session 6: Putting it Together: Use this session to gather the most important insights from the assessments to articulate any team goals or go-forward actions.

  • What two insights have been the most valuable for you from taking and discussing your team’s assessment results? (Ask several team members to share.)

  • How have the past few sessions impacted your team’s desired outcome?

  • (You may want to craft more questions that are specific to their situation here.)

  • What goal, if any, would your team be motivated to achieve from your most recent

    insights? (Facilitate the team creating at least one goal.)

  • What is the first action or step you will take towards this goal and when will you take it?

    (Facilitate structures for accountability.)

This is just an example of how you can start small with a team and create more opportunity to work in a team or organization.

After session six have a debrief call with the senior leader or stakeholder. Prepare a summary of your work, stated goals and outcomes and possible ways to continue working with the team. You may want to isolate out 2-3 insights that could turn into initiatives to further support a longer engagement.

BONUS TIP: To boost this package, depending on the size the team, your budget and timing, provide 1 or 2 individual 1-1 coaching sessions with each team member.

Cloverleaf has a lot to offer, so check out our blog or other articles about the TEAM Dashboard.

For more help with Cloverleaf, view related help articles:

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