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Using Cloverleaf For Team Coaching

Learn how to leverage the use of Cloverleaf in your business AND your practice using creative strategies to maximize the platform.

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Written by Team
Updated over 2 years ago


  • Explore how to identify team trends on a Cloverleaf Dashboard (using a specific assessment)

  • Leverage team dashboards to support team goal setting

  • Design a team workshop or coaching session incorporating Cloverleaf

  • Incorporate Cloverleaf Hotseat into Team Coaching Sessions


When looking at a team dashboard, you want to quickly learn how to identify team trends. For this example, we’ll show how just one assessment, in this case Enneagram, can source an entire team coaching session.

Enneagram Triads Example: Less than 10% of the team resides within a triad OR a triad is missing representation completely.

  • If a team is missing a triad completely, this is a great opportunity to take a deep dive into who is filling the gaps that the particular missing triad brings to the team.

  • For example, if the team is entirely divided between the Gut and Head triad, you want to use some probing questions to discover who is providing that necessary Heart triad perspective.

  • Look at the strengths section of the missing triad, in the case of this example, the Heart Triad:

    • When making decisions, the 2s, 3s, and 4s of the Heart Triad are driven to succeed and also provide success for others, choosing a course of action that most aligns with the mission. Their intuitive awareness of others’ feelings and perceptions serves their focus on the audience experience. These teammates are good at bringing empathy and compassion to every situation, and can be especially helpful in understanding the most important needs of a project and its stakeholders.

Design appropriate coaching questions and conversation starters relative to the strengths:

  • When you make decisions, describe how you incorporate the mission of your organization into your process?

  • Share some specific examples of how you’ve infused empathy into your team communications.

  • What positive or constructive feedback have you received within your team or from those you manage about your ability to communicate in a way that leaves people feeling valued?

  • Where is the biggest opportunity to include more awareness of the employee experience?

    • What does that look like?

    • What actions are associated with leveraging this opportunity?

    • Who will be accountable for ensuring any actions associated with this opportunity are taken?

  • Is any additional training or development needed here (i.e. Emotional Intelligence for Leaders)

Once you develop these questions or conversation starters, you can use them in the context of several types of meetings, gatherings or coaching sessions. For example:

Team Coaching Sessions: Use these questions to run a 30-60 minute segment of a team coaching session that results in actionable steps a team can take to compensate for the low representation of a triad. Identify any current projects or initiatives where this is most relevant.

Team Meetings: As a manager or leader, use this insight as a professional development section of a team meeting or off-site, giving team members an opportunity to work ON their performance instead of IN the day-to-day tasks, ask for team members to contribute to how these conversations can be actionable.

Team Workshops: You can run an entire 1⁄2 day or full day workshop just on unpacking Enneagram at the individual and team level. For example, in team workshops, you can break out into smaller groups and have each group come up with the answers to the questions you design and then report out to the group. Have the entire group vote on action items or opportunities that can have the most impact and set up follow up check points to monitor growth.

Facilitator Tip: If you have the groups do this on LARGE sticky poster paper, have them placed around the room after the large group report out. Give each person a set of adhesive colored dots and have them place them next to the actions or ideas that they think would make the most difference for the team or organization.


While you can use the GROW model shared in Module 2 and adapt it to team goal setting, you can also identify several team trends by reviewing the team dashboard in advance.

You might want to review the dashboard and do what we call a “Cloverleaf SWOT” analysis and conduct a team coaching session or workshop. You can use the information gleaned from the SWOT to assist in collective goal setting.


The Cloverleaf SWOT framework helps to utilize a balanced approach to analyzing the dashboard because you are factoring in ALL assessments looking to identify specific dynamics of the team.

The Cloverleaf SWOT is a little different than a standard SWOT because you aren’t going to focus on the external environment, but apply everything to team development.

S - Team Strengths
W - Team weaknesses
O - Team opportunities for growth and productivity
T - Threats to growth and productivity (if remained unaddressed)

As you go through the team dashboard use the “Team Dashboard Coaching Guide” provided to help you identify trends.


Getting the Team Ready

In preparation for a team coaching session or workshop, it’s also a good idea for the appropriate person in the circumstance to communicate with all participants. Adapt this message accordingly based on the role and relationship of the sender.

Hello team,

I am excited about our Cloverleaf team coaching session next Tuesday! I have no doubt this will elevate our level of communication and collaboration moving us to a thriving team. Please join on time and ready to engage!

Please make sure all of your assessments are completed by _________________ and please schedule yourself 20-30 minutes to review your individual Cloverleaf dashboard.

Feel free to joy down any questions and bring them to the session.

Thank you!


Designing the Team Coaching Session or Workshop Content

Designing a team coaching session or workshop using Cloverleaf requires an in-depth understanding of the cross-section of a team’s insights. Not every team will have every assessment on their team dashboard.

Try to incorporate as many assessments into the SWOT as possible. If there are any assessments that you need to learn more in depth, click on the links within a team file and/or access the Cloverleaf help section. You can also use the resources provided to you as part of this program.

In all cases, you are encouraged to look at the team’s dynamic, behaviors, trends, challenges, and opportunities for growth and how they may affect the following areas:

  • Leadership style/communication

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Response to change

  • Project Planning

  • Decision Making

  • Risk Taking

  • Conflict

  • Relationship Management

  • Team Motivation

  • Recognition

  • Productivity

  • Goal Setting

  • Performance

  • Team/Organizational Culture

  • Role clarity

  • Leveraging existing team members based on behavior and strengths

Sample Agenda

This is more of a guide for you to really tailor and make your own. It’s best to customize this as much as possible to the specific team you are working with. Use this as an internal agenda to help you plan, you can provide something more high level to the group you are working with.

Introduction/Welcome (15-20 minutes)

After doing an opening/introductory activity that suits your style and the makeup of the team, you may want to start with some questions:

  • What is the most important team challenge that you personally/collectively want to be able to get insight on today?

  • What would make today’s session successful for you personally, as a team?

  • What have you leveraged or gotten value from in Cloverleaf so far as an individual or as a team?

Best Practices: Self Development (20- 30 minutes)

It’s a good idea to first support people in utilizing the full potential of their team dashboard. Below are just some ideas to incorporate into this section:

  • A quick guide to best practices on how to use your personal dashboard on a regular basis for self-coaching and goal setting.

  • Using Cloverleaf to set goals: you can utilize exercises and questions from Module 2 here to help people leverage insights and assessments for goal setting.

  • Checking your daily coaching tips: You might want to have people create a daily practice around these.

  • Using Cloverleaf to prepare for a meeting (leverage calendar insights and the team dashboard).

  • Using Cloverleaf to prepare for challenging conversations (leveraging the team dashboard to help increase your understanding of a team member.)

  • Ask people to share how they are using the Cloverleaf dashboard to support their ongoing development.

Team SWOT Analysis Discussion based on Assessment Results (30-45 minutes)

This will be a very high level SWOT Analysis Discussion that incorporates different aspects of the team dashboard.

A traditional SWOT focuses on external opportunities and threats, for this purpose:

  • A. Opportunities are used to express “Opportunities for Growth and Productivity ” and may touch on some hidden/not so obvious team trends to leverage.

  • B. Threats are expressed as “Threats to Growth and Productivity” and might highlight some hidden trends that could present a challenge if not addressed/or called out.

For example, if a team is heavily “E” on 16types, a weakness may be everyone talking over each other in a meeting or lack of listening across the team.

A best practice may be to set group norms for meetings that everyone agrees to and holds each other accountable for. Implications for goal setting, change/evolution and best practices can be discussed/touched on if time allows.

Activity: Cloverleaf Hot Seat (15-20 minutes)


Wrap-Up + Takeaways (10-15 minutes)

Share takeaways, next steps and if applicable have participants fill out a feedback survey


The Purpose of Cloverleaf Hotseat is twofold:

  • To stimulate self-awareness with individuals such that they understand their impact on the team.

  • To create the space for open, honest team communication that deepens the understanding between team members. This increased understanding supports team trust and productivity.

This activity can be used in several ways. It works best in a live virtual environment, but if you use a large screen and can project Cloverleaf in a live in-person session, this can work as well. This is not something you would use during the first or second team coaching session or workshop. Optimum conditions are teams that have a decent foundation of trust. You may need to work towards this depending on how your engagement or meeting cadence is structured. It works ideally with a group of 6-15 people.

It can be used:

  • To open up a team coaching session or workshop that has ALREADY been using Cloverleaf as a team and has gone over their results

  • To LAUNCH a group of people being added to a TEAM in Cloverleaf. They should have already gone over their individual results.

How it works:

Make sure everyone has thoroughly completed their assessments and has had some debrief/discussion of those assessments in previous meetings.

  1. Ask for a volunteer for who would like to be in the “Cloverleaf Hotseat.” Explain that you will share insights from their profile. They will have the opportunity to speak to how some of those insights resonate with them, and their TEAM will have the opportunity to share examples of how they experience this team member in context with these insights.

  2. Project an individual’s profile into a video conference or live workshop screen (make sure if it’s a live workshop screen that it is large enough for people to see). Each “round” of Cloverleaf Hotseat should take 15-20 minutes.

  3. You will be focusing on the section in the upper left hand corner of the profile with the blue box that says “INSIGHTS.” Ask the person in the Hot Seat to select a category they would like to see insights from.

    PRO TIP: While facilitating this live, a member of the team suggested that ANOTHER team member select the category for the team member in the Hot Seat. This actually provided another element of engagement that you can use if you’d like.

  4. After the category is selected, randomly click next underneath the box to stop on an insight (think of spinning a wheel!). You can read, or ask the person in the Hot Seat to read the insights.

  5. Ask the person in the Hot Seat to share how the insight resonates the most with them, AND to give a specific work example of that insight. You can do some coaching here if it’s appropriate. If it doesn’t resonate, feel free to pick a new insight.

  6. NEXT, ask the team how THEY experience or notice the insight about this team member and ask them to share a specific example to illustrate it. Allow at least 3-4 people from the team to share. Ask the person in the Hot Seat to share takeaways from their team sharing and what, if anything, is actionable.

  7. At the conclusion of the team session ask a clarifying question:

    • What are people noticing about our team from this discussion?

    • What value can it provide to share these types of insights?

    • What are you working on now that can be positively impacted by increased team awareness?

  8. Repeat this with another team member to start a new round as necessary.

Other uses of this activity:

  • Apply this to a specific project or business outcome by changing up the questions

  • Ask the person in the Hot Seat to pick a category from the insights that is most important to a specific project or business outcome.

  • Ask the person in the Hot Seat which insight would most influence the project or business outcome and how?

  • Ask the team to share how this insight about the person in the Hot Seat would influence the project or business outcome and how?

  • Ask the person in the Hot Seat AND the team what new actions or commitments need to be made as it relates to the project or the business outcome.

  • Make sure to follow up with those actions/commitments.

  • Use this activity with a NEW team that is just forming.

  • Ask the person in the Hot Seat to pick a category of insights that will be most important for their team to know about them.

  • Ask the team members to share what this insight about the person in the Hot Seat means for them when interacting.

  • Ask the team if there are any actions/commitments that need to be made to help the team work at their best.

  • With an individual

    • You can use this as part of ongoing individual coaching sessions. Pick a new category each time, or one that is relevant to coaching goals/outcomes and ask individuals the implications of each insight, if there is something they want to strengthen or be acknowledged for.


  • Refer back to module 1 for one example of a team coaching program

  • For an additional team coaching jump-start program: Creating a Cloverleaf Team Jumpstart Program

  • See the “Team Dashboard Coaching Guide” from Cloverleaf

  • Looking for more creative ideas? Check out our additional product guides: Product Guides


We hope this resource was valuable for you as you leverage Cloverleaf in your business!
We are committed to provide you with helpful content to maximize the limitless possibilities that Cloverleaf can unlock for you and your clients.

Cloverleaf has a lot to offer, so check out our blog or other articles about the TEAM Dashboard.

For more help with Cloverleaf, view related help articles:

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