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Cloverleaf Product Updates: July 2024

Cloverleaf has some exciting product updates to share with you, check out the latest!

Taylor Nash avatar
Written by Taylor Nash
Updated over a week ago
April Compass Newlsetter

Integrate Cloverleaf with MS Teams and Slack πŸ”Œ

Cloverleaf sends Daily Coaching directly to MS Teams or Slack so you can engage with personalized tips right in your workspace. Our improved integrations make it even easier to fit Cloverleaf into your daily routine.

  • Complete Daily Coaching in MS Teams or Slack

  • Save, share, and reflect on coaching tips without leaving your workspace

  • Get notifications and essential communications in MS Teams or Slack

Learn more about integrating with MS Teams or Slack

Upcoming Webinar - Unlock the Power of Cloverleaf: A "How-To" Guide for Better Team Performance

July 17th, 11AM EST

This "how-to" guide will cover essential functionalities and demonstrate how Cloverleaf can transform your team's performance. Learn how to leverage Cloverleaf's insights to enhance communication, foster collaboration, and unlock the full potential of your team.

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